时间:2015.11.10 下午2:30-4:30
专家:Professor Mark Gonnerman(马克·冈纳曼教授)

马克·冈纳曼教授硕士毕业于哈佛大学,博士毕业于斯坦福大学,现任美国索菲亚大学詹姆斯·威廉斯意识流研究中心主任。冈纳曼教授1997-1998年在斯坦福人文研究中心专注于垮掉派诗人加里·斯奈德的研究,为后来学术专著的出版积累素材。2010-2011年他作为斯坦福研究中心研究员潜心于中国佛教文化研究。2014年出版专著《心理学和宗教的百科全书》,2015出版专著《整体感:解读加里·斯奈德的< 山河无尽>》,在生态诗学界引起广泛反响。
Gonnerman, Mark (Sofia University, USA)
E-mail: mark.gonnerman@gmail.com
More information:http://www.garysnydercenter.com
Prof. Gonnerman received his MA from Harvard University, and PhD from Stanford University, where he was a Lieberman Fellow. Prof. Gonnerman is now director of the William James Center for Consciousness Studies at Sofia University. He served as Research Fellow at Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies from 2010-2011. He has contributed to Gary Snyder studies in a variety of ways including a yearlong research workshop onMountains and Rivers Without Endat the Stanford Humanities Center in 1997–1998. Scholarly contributions to the workshop, an interview with Gary Snyder, and resources for further study have been published asA Sense of the Whole: Reading Gary Snyder’s Mountains and Rivers Without End(Berkeley: Counterpoint Press, 2015).
Life-Death-Rebirth: Steve Jobs’ Commencement Address at Stanford University
In 2005, Steve Jobs delivered a short address to the graduating class at Stanford University that has been viewed on YouTube more than 23 million times. This is an excellent speech by an iconic Silicon Valley entrepreneur that contains important life lessons for people of all ages. After the stage is set with a brief history of Stanford University, we will view the speech (with Chinese subtitles) and discuss the birth-death-rebirth theme at the heart of Jobs’ insights. We will also consider whether the German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel would recognize Jobs as what he calls a “world-historical individual.” If so, what does this mean? We will conclude by sharing our responses to Jobs’ thoughts about patience, perseverance, and finding your passion for life and work.